Casper Smart, renowned for his exceptional dancing skills based in CA, is expected to have a net worth of $1 million by the year 2024. Casper Smart has made a name for himself in the dance industry, mesmerizing audiences with his extraordinary talent and captivating performances. His dedication and hard work have not only earned him recognition but also significant financial success. As he continues to pave his way to success in the world of dance, it is no surprise that Casper Smart's net worth continues to grow steadily.
Professional hip hop Dancer who gained tabloid fame as the boyfriend of Jennifer Lopez. He'd previously served as her backup Dancer.
He first appeared on screen on the 2008 TV movie Ellen's Even Bigger Really Big Show.
He was featured in dance sequences for films like Step Up 3D, Honey 2 and Leave It on the Floor.
He has five siblings. He dated Jennifer Lopez from 2011 to 2016.
He was a Dancer for Toni Braxton during a 2010 performance for The Ellen Degeneres Show.